University Transfer Pathways

Frequently Asked Questions for Transfer Students

A transfer student is defined as any student who has attempted college or university work for credit after the completing high school. 

The core curriculum can be transferred in block to any state college to be substituted for the core of the receiving institution. Alvin Community College requires a 42 credit hour core curriculum. Refer to the ACC catalog and/or visit with an ACC advisor to learn more about transferring core and  other courses.

Senate Bill 148 of the 75th Texas Legislature (1997) mandated Field of Study curricula. The fields of study curricula, along with core curricula, are intended to facilitate transferability of courses among Texas public colleges and universities. All public four-year institutions are required to accept Coordinating Board approved field of study courses in fulfillment of lower-division requirements for bachelor's degrees in majors that correspond to the field of study.

Not all courses are transferable and not all are designed to be. Students taking academic courses should find it easy to transfer those courses, especially if staying in the state of Texas. Technical courses do not always transfer; but in some cases can. Students should always review degree plans with an advisor at ACC or transferring university. However, here are a few tips and resources available to help you determine if a course will transfer:

Texas has the Texas Common Course Numbering System- This system allows students to research course compatibility across 136 institutions of higher learning in Texas. Students are encouraged to utilize this tool to assist with transfer questions.  
University Transfer Pathway Agreements- Are created to ensure seamless transfer of credits from Alvin Community College to the agreed institution. These agreements are located on our University Transfer Pathways page.  

Core classes are often referred to as “the Basics”. These classes are general education courses required by any four-year college or university to meet freshman and sophomore level requirements for a bachelor’s degree, (i.e., history, government, English, mathematics).  View ACC's 42 hours of core classes available in the current ACC Catalog. Visit with an ACC Advisor if you have questions about core classes.  

No, you do not need an Associate of Arts or Science degree to transfer.  However, there are many university incentives for graduating with an associate degree. Some universities may waive certain courses with an associate’s degree and you may be eligible for transfer scholarships.  Meet with a representative from the college/university of choice or check with an ACC advisor for additional information.
Many students are able to graduate with an Associate of Arts by fulfilling all core curriculum requirements and selecting electives applicable to the bachelor degree desired at the university. For example, if you are transferring as a Business Major and need to take additional courses for the School of Business, you can take your core courses plus courses in economics, accounting, computer science, business calculus, etc. as your electives. This means you meet university and major department prerequisites. Plus, you have an associate degree to show for all your hard work! 

Your path to earning an associate's degree begins with visiting an ACC advisor and Career Services. During your visit, the advisor will assist you with mapping out your path to completion. Upon completion, you will be required to apply for graduation to be awarded your degree.  

There are different ways to find which courses are needed for your major. Students may refer to the ACC catalog, transfer webpage, or visit directly with an ACC advisor or the College and Career Pathways office for assistance.     

The best way to ensure transferability of your courses is to meet directly with an ACC advisor as well as an advisor associated with your university of choice. Working with both will help to ensure that you are on the right path.   

Articulation/Transfer Pathway agreements serve to evaluate courses taken at ACC for credit towards a bachelor's degree at the transferring university.  

If you have not decided on a major and need assistance in streamlining areas of career interests, it is time that you visit the ACC Career Center. It is equipped with computerized assessments to help you determine personality and career strengths and possible areas of interest. You can also check out other online assessments by visiting Career Coach. Knowing your career interest and/or major ensures you take the right classes for the right degree and that those classes seamlessly transfer to your university of choice.  

Students can learn more about transferring by visiting ACC Transfer Pathways or the transfer page of their university of choice. 

The GPA necessary for admission varies from university to university and from major to major. Some universities accept a grade of “D” for transfer while others do not. Most universities calculate your GPA by adding all your grades together and dividing it into the total number of semester hours completed. Some may use the higher grade on repeated classes. Check the transfer admission website link for your college/university to determine transfer GPA requirements.   

Students withdraw from courses for a variety of reasons. It is better to drop a course than to receive a failing grade. However, a pattern of frequent withdrawals may negatively affect your chances of being selected to attend your selected university/college.   

Apply online @ Complete one application and send it to your selected college/universities. Some universities have very competitive admission requirements. Therefore, make sure you complete the application correctly and include the required essay. The application deadline dates vary greatly between universities, so be sure to have all required documents submitted on time.

Get organized and meet the deadlines! The transfer process requires you to meet many published deadlines for financial aid, scholarships and housing (where applicable). 

Maintaining your GPA, being involved on campus, identifying your career goals, and visiting often with an ACC Advisor will all help to prepare you for a successful and seamless transition to your next educational goal. 

Choose success at ACC. Your performance at Alvin Community College plays a major role in your ability to successfully transfer. Colleges/Universities are interested in students who are successful and involved inside and outside of the classroom. Your Grade Point Average (GPA) is extremely important, as well as your involvement in campus clubs and activities.  It also helps to stay connected to the university you are interested in attending. 

For more information contact: Advising Services at 281-756-3531 or