To take the Course Evaluation Survey, click on the link below, then log in with your
WebACCess/Blackboard Username.*
*Use ONLY your username and NOT your entire student email.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Are my evaluations anonymous?
Yes, they are. Unless you write you name on your written comment, your instructor will not know who completed the evaluation. - Do I complete an evaluation for each one of the classes I am taking?
Yes, you do. We need feedback from all of your classes. - If I complete a paper evaluation in class, is that all I need to do?
No. That evaluation is just for that class. We need feedback from all of your classes. - Why do I need to fill out all my course evaluations?
Each of your instructors needs your feedback to improve the quality of teaching and learning at ACC. - When will the results of the course evaluations be available for the instructor to
The results from all evaluations for a term will be available after grades have been posted.
Thank you for completing your course evaluations and sharing your feedback.