Press Releases - News Center

ACC to Host MECA Ballet Folkórico

Alvin Community College will host a performance of the Multicultural Education and Counseling Through the Arts (MECA) Ballet Folkórico on campus on September 21.

The performance will be in celebration of Hispanic Heritage month and is sponsored by the college’s Hispanic Student Association.

“The Hispanic Student Alliance joins efforts with our institution on recognizing the importance of Hispanic heritage, with this event open to the community here in Alvin,” said Carlos Ordonez, Hispanic Student Alliance sponsor. “By showing the colorful and joyful expressions of Mexican Folklore, we celebrate the diversity that makes our community strong.”

MECA performances include both youth and adults who perform traditional dances that highlight the many different cultures celebrated during Hispanic Heritage Month..

The performance will be at 7 p.m. in the ACC Theatre. It is free and open to the public.