Press Releases - News Center

ACC CNA to VN Program

Alvin Community College received approval from the Texas Board of Nursing to start offering a program to allow Certified Nursing Assistants to transition to the college’s Vocational Nurse program.

The program is due to be implemented in the Summer of 2024.

“The addition of a Vocational Nursing Bridge Program will offer an alternative pathway for entering the VN program for individuals who have successfully completed both an authorized Certified Nurse Aide program and a Medication Aide program,” said Tori McTaggart, ACC Vocational Nursing Program Coordinator.

Applicants must use a Prior Learning Assessment portfolio in order to qualify for the program which includes completion of the CNA program, six months of experience in a long-term care facility, completion of the Medical Administration course, completion of the Anatomy and Physiology course along with passing the HESI exam.

“This new pathway will allow qualified applicants to take a continuing education VN Bridge course that will prepare them for transition into the second semester of the VN Program,” McTaggart said.

For more information about the Vocational Nursing program, visit