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ACC Library Speaker Series

A traveling Culinary Arts instructor, a news journalist, a photographer and independent media owner are among the guest speakers for this Fall’s Library Speaker Series at the Alvin Community College Library.

Speakers this Fall will include Brandi Smith, KHOU digital anchor, Dining Diva Molly Fowler, photographer Debra Rueb and TJ Aulds, president of Aulds Media Holdings.

“For the campus community, I see speaker series as a value-add,” ACC head librarian Greg Reid said. “We ask speakers to provide their first-person career account: the kind of work they do, challenges they faced in getting established, things that make their work interesting, how their college education assisted and still assists them.”

Reid started the series earlier this year and hopes that students and the community can use the information to better their lives and their futures.

“Student attendees exploring career options can learn from and query accomplished practitioners in a field,” Reid said. “Our first fall 2022 speaker is a perfect example. Brandi Smith is the digital anchor for KHOU-11 in Houston, a top-10 U.S. television market.”

Smith will start the Speaker Series on September 14. Fowler will present a virtual presentation on October 5. Debra Rueb will speak on October 19 and Aulds will speak on November 16. All events are at 12:30 p.m. in the ACC Library.

“Eclectic by design, the speaker series is something for which I recruit speakers from all walks,” Reid said. “I wanted to demonstrate vision and initiative at ACC, while also growing the library footprint on campus.”

All of the events are free and open to the public. For more information, visit