ACC Regents Hear Report on Accessibility
Alvin Community College regents heard a report about the college’s improved affordability for students during their meeting on October 21.
The annual report on Access and Accountability showed that ACC has become one of the most affordable colleges in the region.
“I’m very proud we haven’t changed our price structure but we are moving down the list on our cost to students,” said Dr. Pam Shefman, executive director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research “We’re doing a great job of making sure our students have an affordable education and a quality education.”
According to the report, ACC cost approximately $70 per credit hour to attend for in-district students and $118 for out of district students. The cost is well below the average for Gulf Coast colleges at $85 and $144 respectively.
ACC has the second-lowest cost per credit hour of all colleges in the Gulf Coast region.
Regents also:
-heard a report on a tax abatement application with Maxter Healthcare Inc.
-heard a report from the Senate Faculty
-approved budget amendment for the 2020-21 fiscal year
-approved monthly financial reports
-heard a program spotlight report on Culinary Arts
The board will have its next meeting on November 18 at 6 p.m. in the Nolan Ryan Center.