ACC Regents Approve 2020-21 Tax Rate
Alvin Community College regents voted to adopt the tax rate for the 2020-21 fiscal year during their meeting on September 17.
The new rate is 18.34 cents per $100 of appraised property value and is 7.68 percent more than the Now New Revenue Rate. Regents approved the rate by an 8-1 vote after a public hearing prior to the meeting.
The average home value in the ACC taxing district is $235,157 and assuming that a property’s value does not increase, the rate would mean $5.69 less for the year. If the average home saw a 10 percent increase in value, the tax rate would mean a $37 increase for the year.
The Maintenance and Operations rate is 17.06 cents and the Interest and Sinking rate is 1.29 cents.
Regents approved the 2020-21 fiscal year budget in August.
In other action, regents heard a report about enrollment at the college for the Fall semester. The estimate for Fall enrollment was 5,617 with 803,654 contact hours. The estimate is a 6.1 percent decrease from Fall 2019, which was the highest enrollment ever for ACC. Enrollment for Fall 2020 is 0.5 percent less than 2018.
The college increased the number of online courses for the 2020 Fall semester for the safety of students and faculty in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The schedule provides flexible learning choices for students through a combination of online and face-to-face instruction.
“We have 84 percent (of our classes) are occurring online,” said Dr. Pam Shefman executive director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research. “Eight percent are in a hybrid format and we have 8 percent face-to-face.”
Regents also:
-approved hiring of faculty for Neurodiagnostics and Paralegal
-approved campus-wide copier lease agreement
-approved purchase of chairs for the Nolan Ryan Center
-approved Nursing Innovation Plan grant application
-heard report on President’s Goal #8 regarding diversity and inclusion training and workshops
-approved purchase of software products
-approved City of Alvin’s upgrades of Hugh Adams Park
-approved resolution of payment for personnel during closure for Hurricane Laura
-approved monthly financial reports
The board will hold its next meeting on October 22 at 6 p.m.