ACC Regents Approve Annual Audit
Alvin Community College regents approved the 2019-20 fiscal year audit during their meeting on January 14.
The audit was conducted by the Belt, Harris and Pechacek firm and resulted in an “unmodified” opinion for the college meaning that the college is in compliance with accounting principles and financial statements are materially correct. Auditors stated the college maintains sound fiscal policy.
“This is the highest level of assurance that we can provide to the board,” said auditor Robert Belt.
Regents unanimously approved to place approximately $1.3 million from unrestricted fund balance to institutional reserve.
In other action, regents approved the creation of an Associate in Science Engineering Degree program. The program will be available for students beginning in the 2022 Fall semester, pending approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
The program will be designed for students to transfer to a university and pursue an Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering. The college is currently developing a program for students to finish their Associate Degree at ACC and then transfer to the engineering bachelor’s degree program at the University of Houston-Clear Lake.
ACC Foundation President Shirley Brothers also delivered an annual report for the past fiscal year. Brothers spoke about the Foundation’s impact on students, faculty and staff. During the 2019-20 fiscal year, the Foundation awarded more than $150,000 in scholarships, grants and more.
Regents also:
-approved revisions to local board policies
-approved hiring of faculty for Nursing and Supply Chain Management programs
-approved tuition adjustment for home-schooled Dual Enrollment students to pay the same cost as in-district students at local schools
-approved monthly financial reports
-heard update on construction projects including the progress on Buildings A, C, E, N and R as well as the completion of the Culinary Arts facility and Building G
-approved Jobs and Education Grant application
-approved adjustment of athletic scholarship allocation
-heard report on Strategic Plan Goal number 4 to develop programs and partnerships to meet the employment needs of the community
The board will have its next meeting on Thursday, February 25 at 6 p.m.