ACC Regents Pass Resolution Supporting Finance Proposal
As the Texas Legislature convenes for the 88th session this week, lawmakers will consider a fundamental change to the way community colleges are funded in the state.
The Alvin Community College Board of Regents unanimously passed a resolution during their meeting on January 12 in support of those proposed changes.
“Our board joins other community colleges as we look forward with anticipation at how our legislature will act upon these recommendations from the Commission,” said ACC Board Chair ‘Bel Sanchez. “We have long needed changes in funding for community colleges. We will be involved in observing government in action on this most important topic and will work with our legislators to ensure our voices are heard.”
The funding formula was proposed by the Texas Commission on Community College Finance and their final recommendations were issued last year. The Commission was established by the Legislature in 2021 and 12 members were appointed by state officials, the Texas Association of Community Colleges and the Community College Association of Texas Trustees.
Under the proposal, funding would be tied directly to measurable outcomes such as transfer rates, credentials of value, credentials in high-demand fields and dual enrollment.
This is a major shift from the current model which is mostly based on the number of contact hours which students receive instruction. The current funding formula has been in place for more than 50 years.
The commission’s recommendations also included measures to make college affordable for low-income students and facilitate shared services between colleges.
The Commission on Community College Finance consisted of business leaders, state lawmakers, college presidents, college faculty and trustees. They met over the course of two years while developing their recommendations.
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