ACC Nursing Program Starts Alpha Delta Nu Chapter

The Alvin Community College Associate Degree Nursing program recently launched its Eta Tau chapter of the Alpha Delta Nu Honors Society and inducted 11 members in a ceremony.
Alpha Delta Nu was created by the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN), to recognize academic excellence of students in Associate Degree Nursing.
“We realized our students were working very hard to make good grades in their Nursing courses and we wanted to recognize their hard work,” said Elizabeth Saucedo, ACC Nursing instructor.
To be eligible for the society, students must earn a B or better in all nursing courses and complete a capstone project before graduation.
The first class decided to hold a virtual food drive for the ActionS, Inc. organization in Brazoria County.
“I am pleased that we have a way to recognize the ACC ADN students for their hard work and perseverance to maintain good grades while enrolled in nursing school,” said Dr. Debbi Fontenot, ACC Nursing director.
The inaugural members are: Lauren Bich, Katherine Dixon, Udeme Ekeng, Dieumaitre Jules, Kelly McLaughlin, Michael Nehring, Jennifer Perales, Angelica Pilman, Harvey Scott, Kirsten Whiteside and Heather Wilson.
To learn more about Alpha Delta Nu, visit