Purchasing & Bid Opportunities

View Bid Opportunities 

The procedure for processing purchase requests is determined by the estimated expenditure as shown below.

These amount thresholds apply to non-contracted purchases.

“Aggregate” is defined as similar goods, services, and/or projects requested during a 12-month period, college-wide, under multiple purchase orders or only one purchase order. 

Purchase Amount
(non-contracted purchases) 


$10,000 or less

One (1) Quote

$10,001 - $50,000

Three (3) Quotes

$50,000 - $249,999 single and/or aggregate purchase

Formal Solicitation Process and
Board Approval

$250,000+ sealed bids and/or competitive proposals

Formal Solicitation Process and
Board Approval

Vendors' interested in doing business with ACC will find bid opportunities posted on the college district’s website by clicking on the "View Bid Opportunities" link at the top of this page.

Alvin College currently utilizes the State of Texas Comptroller website termed the Electronic State Business Daily to post solicitations greater than $ 50,000 and others as directed and the Alvin Sun Advertiser for notification of bid opportunities. These are the only forms of notification authorized by the College, other than direct distribution from a Alvin College Purchasing staff member. Alvin College shall not be responsible for receipt of notification and information received from any other source other than those listed. It shall be the vendor’s responsibility to verify the validity of all bid information received by sources other than those listed.


Alvin College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status.