Campus Updates
Review & Updated: January 21, 2022
Campus Updates
Alvin Community College is monitoring the latest COVID-19 developments and continues to prioritize the health and safety of all students, faculty, and staff.
ACC strongly encourages and emphasizes the following practices to maintain a safe learning and working environment: (1) Complete Covid-19 Self-Reporting forms if positive or directly exposed, (2) Wear facial coverings when indoors and/or near others, (3) Wash hands often and thoroughly, (4) Use recommended social distancing, and (5) Protect yourself and others through available vaccinations. The Omicron variant is highly contagious, so please stay home if you are feeling ill.
The CDC recently shortened the quarantine period for exposures and the isolation period for confirmed positives to 5 days. Complete information regarding these new CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines can be found here and additional detailed COVID-19 information is available on the CDC website.
Monday-Friday: 9 am to 6 pm
Free with insurance or uninsured
RESULTS within 12-24 hours
UHCL Pearland- 1200 Pearland Parkway
Pearland, Tx 77581
East side of the Health Science Classroom Building
[UHCL Rapid Testing | Rapid Dx Testing]
County Health Resources
Brazoria County Health Department
Fort Bend County Health and Human Services
Galveston County Health District
Student Services/Registration
ACC’s Student Services Offices are now open to assist you with spring registration. We are aware of the current challenges of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 and strongly encourage you to take precautions by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing measures when visiting the campus for services.
Mondays and Tuesdays – 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Wednesdays through Fridays – 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Super Saturday Registration Blitz - January 8, 2022 – 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
If you’ve recently come into contact with someone who is Covid positive, or have recently tested positive yourself, please do not come to the campus. To have a Student Services staff member contact you within 24 hours or less, please send an email to one or more of the following offices as needed. Make sure to include your full name, ACC student ID and explain question or concern.
Admissions –
Academic Advising –
Financial Aid –
Testing (TSI and Other) –
Bookstore - Due to health and safety protocols, and until further notice, the College Store will be providing online textbook ordering services only through Please allow 24 hours for turnaround time on all orders. Curbside pickup will be available in the A Building parking lot near the gray library book drop. When you arrive to campus to pick up your books, please call 281-756-3683.
Tuition and Other Payments -
Please remember that the payment deadline is January 11, 2022. Click here to make your payment.
Dual Enrollment Students - please email your appropriate ACC DE Advisor for assistance. Click here for staff information.
Previous Communications
FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine
On August 23, 2021 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.
- Until further notice, the Bookstore will be taking curbside orders only. The best way to purchase books is to order them online. Orders will be fulfilled within 24 hours.
- Once the Bookstore is fully opened, there will be limited customer capacity in the area at one time and curbside pick-up is strongly encouraged.
- The bookstore and mini-café located on the second floor of A Building between the Learning Commons and the Library will be provided deep-cleaning first-thing in the morning (Monday, August 23rd). The operations will be provided with extra precautions to assure compliance with CDC social-distancing guidelines.
Library and Learning Commons
- Library and tutoring services (Learning Commons) and staffing will be virtual for the week of August 23-27. Please visit the Library webpage for more information.
- Deep cleaning of all areas and offices in the Learning Commons will occur during this week.
- College and Career Pathways staff and all STEM grant staff are asked to work remotely during the week of August 23-27.
- Daily monitoring of campus operations will continue and reassessment of the Learning Common areas and staffing will occur in the later part of the week.
Building G Student Lounge and Veteran’s Area
- The Student Lounge and Veteran’s area in G building will both be closed for the first 2 weeks of the semester.
Childcare Center and Lab School
- The Child Lab School will also be closed tomorrow, August 23, due to the need for deep cleaning.
- Employees will follow the established protocols for reporting close contact or positive test.
Vaccination Clinics
- On campus vaccination clinics will be held for students faculty, and staff on the following days and times:
- Dates: August 24, August 31, & September 7
- Time: 10am-2pm
- Location: S Building Lobby
- For more information, contact Querencia Joshua via email at
Updated COVID-19 Protocols
Beginning June 1, 2021 ACC will no longer require daily campus screenings, however many safety measures remain in place. Please visit the Screening Procedures page for full details.
A Building Closure & Relocation
Beginning October 19th, the A Building will be closed for construction and remodeling. The following services will move from the A Building to the K Building (across from S bldg.).
- Admissions
- Advising
- Cashier
- Cyber Lab
- Financial Aid
- Learning Lab
- Library
- Office of Disabilities
- Testing
In addition, the following departments will also be relocating to the K Building:
- Student Activities/Student IDs
- Upward Bound
Many of these offices will remain in K for much of the spring semester.
Virtual Services
Due to the fact that there is limited student and staff parking, we will have limited advisors and other staff members available to assist students in person. Consequently, we are asking that you schedule virtual appointments, rather than in-person “walk-in” service.
Please schedule virtual appointments with your Advisor. All other student services departments may be reached via email:
- Admissions/Transcripts –
- Financial Aid –
- Testing –
Please use the CampusClear app to prepare for screening and have your mask on when arriving at the S building screening station.
Please visit the Screening Procedures page for instructions and important safety information.
Fall 2020 Screening Procedures
All students, employees, and visitors must complete a Covid-19 screening to access the ACC campus this fall. Please visit the Screening Procedures page for instructions and important safety information.
Return to College - Fall 2020
To maximize safety for all new and returning students, ACC is offering four options for fall courses: face-to-face, hybrid, remote, and online. Please visit the Fall 2020 page for more details.
Revised Phased Reopening Plan
Due to the growing number of COVID-19 cases in the Houston area, we have decided to revise the Safe Phased Reopening of the College Plan. Please note that the implementation of Phase 2 has been delayed. As has been the case from the beginning of the pandemic, the situation is continuously evolving, necessitating our flexibility in responding to the changing landscape.
We cannot stress enough to our students, staff and community to take the necessary safety precautions to protect themselves and others. If you have to go out, please wear a mask and do your part to stop the spread of the virus. A temperature check and a screening are required prior to entering the campus and masks are required when on campus, unless you are working alone in your office. Bright colored wristbands are provided after you have been through the screening process.
Please know that we are putting safety procedures in place in addition to screening staff, students and guests upon entry to the campus. Such steps include cleaning the campus thoroughly both by ACC staff and an outside vendor, requiring the use of masks and social distancing, reducing the number of seating in each classroom/lab to allow for social distancing, installing Plexiglas in high traffic areas to protect staff and students, installing ultraviolet germicidal lights and more.
Stay tuned to our social media and website for any developments. Every decision we make is with your safety in mind.
Phased Reopening Beginning May 26, 2020
ACC will begin a phased reopening of the campus on May 26. Prior to coming to campus, employees and students must complete the online Safe Colleges training. You will not be permitted to come onto the campus without having taken the training. For more information, please visit the Screening Procedures page.
Summer Internet Fee
The $35 internet fee has been waived for all summer courses. If you have a credit balance because of this change, you will receive a refund on your credit card or a check/direct deposit (depending on how the payment was made) within a week.
Lab School to Reopen on June 1, 2020
Please note that upon reopening, the Lab School will follow new safety guidelines from the Texas Department of Health & Human Services for childcare facilities.
- Children will be dropped off and picked up outside of the facility. We will have a teacher or staff member escort your child in the building and to their classroom.
- Before allowing entry into the facility, all individuals (adult & child) will be screened, including taking the temperature of each person each day and will deny entry to any person who displays the following:
- a temperature on 100.4 F or above
- signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as a cough, sore throat and low grade fever
- in previous 14 days has been in contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, is under investigation for COVID-19; or is ill with a respiratory illness; or
- in the previous 14 days traveled internationally.
Spring 2020 Graduation Announcement
As we at ACC look at the class of 2020, you, our graduates will stand out for your remarkable resilience. Despite the upheaval from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, you have persevered and completed your education at ACC.
To honor your dedication and hard work, we are excited to offer a Virtual Commencement Ceremony. The Dual Enrollment Ceremony can be viewed online Friday, May 22 at 7:00pm while a separate ceremony will be published online Saturday, May 23 at 10:00am for all other ACC graduates. These ceremonies will include the announcement of each graduate individually, along with their photograph. They will also include the certification of graduates and a Commencement Address from Dr. Belle Wheelan, President of Southern Association Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
While we are offering all Spring graduates the chance to participate in the Virtual Commencement, we would like to also offer all graduates an invitation to participate in-person during the Fall Commencement Ceremony on December 12, 2020. If you would like to walk across the stage and proudly accept your diploma, we would love for you to come back for this ceremony.
If you are graduating through our Dual Enrollment program, your picture will be obtained through your respective high schools.
For our on-campus graduates, we are asking that you e-mail us the photo you would like us to use during the Virtual Commencement when your name is called. Please reply to this e-mail with the photo of your choosing attached, and your name in the body of the letter so we can properly match them during the ceremony.
Please make sure that the photo you submit is appropriate for a Commencement Ceremony. We welcome images of you in cap and gown or selfies. Please make sure photos are high resolution, avoid sending screenshots, and be sure the image is not larger than 3 megabytes.
The deadline to apply to apply for spring graduation has been extended to Monday, April 27.
The deadline to submit photos for the ceremony is Friday, May 1. If you need any assistance with a photo, please reach out to us prior to that date by emailing
Please understand, this is not how we envisioned Spring 2020 Commencement to be. We view commencement as one of the most rewarding parts of working for ACC. We would much rather conduct our ceremonies in person to celebrate with you and your families. However, with the health and safety of our students and staff in mind, we will move forward with the Virtual Commencement.
We are very proud of you and the work you have put into becoming an ACC graduate. Fins up!
Read/download the letter to students about spring commencement.
Reviewed & Updated: April 16, 2020
President's Message to Students and Employees #3
Read/download the letter to students and employees.
Interim Grading Procedure
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact that it has on our students’ transition from face-to-face to online learning, Alvin Community College will implement an interim grading procedure. This interim procedure will only be offered for the 16-week, 12-week, second 8-week term and 3-week May Mini of the Spring 2020 semester. The interim procedure may also be reviewed in upcoming semesters, if necessary.
While the College’s published letter grade scheme will be maintained, students may choose a pass/no pass (P/NP) grade for courses during the terms listed above. With the P/NP interim grading procedure, a Pass (P) is considered passing if the course grade was a C or higher. A No Pass (NP) is not considered passing if the grade was a D or F. When a student requests the P/NP interim grading procedure during the semester terms listed above, the P and NP will not be included in the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation.
Students will be required to submit a completed form no later than June 1st, 2020. This will allow students time to review their Spring 2020 grades for the 16-week, 12-week, the second 8-week term and/or 3-week May Mini prior to deciding whether to maintain the letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) or choose the Pass (P) or No Pass (NP) grade. Students are allowed to convert letter grades to P/NP on a course-by-course basis. If letter grades are chosen for a class, they will be calculated into the GPA. Grades of Pass or No Pass will not be included in the GPA calculation.
Student transcripts will note Pass and No Pass grades for the 16-week, 12-week, second 8-week, and 3-week May Mini term in Spring 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ACC Registrar’s Office will be announcing the fully developed procedure, request form, and FAQs no later than May 1, 2020.
It is strongly recommended that all students who consider the interim grading option of P/NP meet with an academic advisor to discuss the choice and how it might impact their academic goals. Students will need to consider the following:
- Students who are applying to selective admission programs (such as nursing and many allied health programs) may require letter grades since individual course grades and/or cumulative GPA may be needed for consideration of program admission or required by accreditation standards.
- Students who are transferring to a university will need to determine if the receiving institution will accept P/NP grades.
- Students should discuss this option with a financial aid advisor as it may have an impact on financial aid and/or scholarship awards.
- Students who are Veterans need to consider the impact this grading choice may have on their education benefits.
- International students will also need to visit with an advisor to ensure this grading option will not impact their educational status.
Withdrawal Deadline Extension
The withdrawal deadline for the spring semester has been extended to April 30, 2020. You may submit your withdrawal request through this date.
If you are on financial aid, please connect with that office to determine how withdrawing from your classes will affect your current and future financial aid eligibility. You may request a virtual appointment, or send an email message to
Reviewed & Updated: April 7, 2020
2020 Summer Sessions
All 2020 Summer session classes will be offered online only. Registration begins April 14.
Reviewed & Updated: March 30, 2020
President's Message to Students and Employees #2
Read/download the letter to students and employees.
Reviewed & Updated: March 23, 2020
President's Message to Students and Employees #1
Read/download the letter to students and employees.
Reviewed & Updated: March 18, 2020
Coronavirus Communications
Alvin Community College continues to monitor recent developments of coronavirus (COVID-19). While there are currently no cases connected to ACC, we recognize the situation is escalating as anticipated. The college is evaluating the best steps to ensure the health and safety of our community with as little disruption as possible to the lives of students and employees. The latest updates and announcements will be posted here as decisions are made.
Updates & Announcements
At this time, ACC will reopen March 30. Physical Plant and Campus Police employees are expected to return as scheduled on March 23 to prepare the campus. Faculty are to continue to finalize preparations to transition to working, teaching, and learning online. On March 30 all campus services will resume normal business hours on Monday, March 30. Staff will limit service to no more than 10 students at one time.
- Instruction is expected to resume March 30 in online formats through the spring semester.
- All college events are canceled until April 3.
- All ACC travel is canceled until further notice.
- ACC Study Abroad programs are canceled through the summer.
Self-Report Illness/Travel
Travel — ACC is discouraging all international travel at this time. Official ACC travel is suspended until further notice. Students, faculty, or staff traveling to affected areas (Level 2 or 3 as determined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) are required to report their visit to the college (see form below) and must self-quarantine for 14 days after they return.
Illness — Any ACC student or employee with symptoms or exposure to the COVID-19 virus should inform their professor(s) or supervisor and complete the college’s self-report form.
Help Prevent Illness
You can help prevent the spread of illness and reduce the impact on our community by taking common precautions:
- Practice social distancing by avoiding crowded areas and keeping 6 feet of distance from others.
- Wash your hands frequently, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Cover your mouth with tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
- Stay home if exhibiting respiratory symptoms such as a cough, difficulty breathing, or fever until you are fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of medication. Contact your healthcare provider and notify your instructor or supervisor.
Visit How to Protect Yourself for more tips from the CDC.
Reviewed & Updated: March 16, 2020
College Closure
The ACC campus will remain closed from March 16-22, 2020 in response to the spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus. All classes (including Continuing Education) have been canceled during this time.
The Lab School will also be closed during this time.
ACC's summer 2020 Study Abroad to Ireland has been canceled and will be rescheduled in 2021.
On March 23rd, all instruction (including Dual Enrollment) will begin online delivery where possible until it is determined that face-to-face instruction can be resumed.
All ACC locations, except Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) units and some Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) courses, will be impacted by the transition to online learning. TDCJ faculty will be contacted by the Dean of Professional, Technical, and Human Performance with further instructions during the week of March 16th regarding alternative instructional strategies.
Plans for credit and non-credit (CEWD) current and upcoming courses, external learning experience courses (clinical, internships, co-ops, and practicums), and specialized on-campus labs will be determined during the week of March 16th. Further communication regarding these courses will be published in website announcements.
ACC staff members will continue to monitor developments of the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak and will provide updates to students and the community on our website and social media channels.
Preventive Measures
Alvin Community College (ACC) continues to monitor the evolving local and global health concerns involving COVID-19. Officials with the Brazoria County Health Department and ACC are participating in calls with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Texas Department of State Health Services to stay informed on the ongoing outbreak. ACC has proactively developed a plan to prevent its potential spread among students and employees that includes regular communication updates, posting hand washing and protective hygiene signage, use of hand sanitizer stations, ongoing cleaning of facilities, and other actions to help prevent viruses from spreading.
Travel Restriction
To ensure the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff, the College has placed a restriction on college travel to all countries identified by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention with a Level 2 or Level 3 Travel Warning related to COVID-19. Currently, this includes China, Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea.
ACC also discourages personal travel to these countries at this time. Students and employees are asked to examine personal travel plans, consider travel revisions, and take all precautions where necessary.
Anyone considering international travel at this time must be continuously aware of rapidly changing events and review the latest travel warnings:
Self-Report International Travel
Any ACC student or employee who has traveled to a CDC Level 2 or 3 country within the last 60 days, or anyone who plans future travel anywhere internationally, is required to self-report their travel to ACC through the completion and submission of the International Travel Registration Form.
If an ACC employee or student has traveled to a country which the CDC has issued a Level 2 or 3 Travel Warning related to COVID-19, it is necessary to observe a 14-day self-isolation (from others) restriction prior to returning to the College. This decision is based upon CDC recommendations for travelers who are returning to the United States from China. During the quarantine, access to the ACC main campus and any off-site location is prohibited. More information on self-quarantine guidelines can be found here.
Future Travel
The College may need to make additional modifications to college-related travel if circumstances warrant.
Reporting Symptoms
If you are a student who is experiencing symptoms or has concerns about possible exposure, please follow these guidelines:
- Remain at home.
- Contact your healthcare provider.
- Complete the Self-Reporting Form and an ACC staff member will contact you within 24 hours to obtain further information and provide assistance.
If you are an ACC employee who is experiencing symptoms or has concerns about possible exposure, please follow these guidelines:
- Remain at home.
- Contact your healthcare provider.
- Immediately contact and report your concerns to your direct supervisor. Do not complete the Self-Reporting Form.
Check the CDC Website for Updates and Guidelines
The CDC has issued prevention and treatment methods to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Details can be found at their website (
There is currently no vaccine to prevent 2019-nCoV infection. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
For information about handwashing, see CDC’s Handwashing website.
For information specific to healthcare, see CDC’s Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings.
These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. CDC does have specific guidance for travelers.
If you suspect there is a case of the coronavirus, call 979-864-2168 or after hours, 800-511-1632.